Safari Overview
The safari visits Kruger National Park in SA, The Great Zimbabwe Monument, Chipengali and Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, and the Makgagedi Sanctuary in Botswana. I was supposed to fly out early at Victoria Falls to catch my flight to Dubai, but I soon realized that I'd rather finish the safari than shop in Dubai! Yet another fun detour!
The People
Our guide Harry, actually Hercules is his real name, drove our little group about 2,500 miles in 8 days and answered at least that many questions. He cooked our meals by the campfire and kept us running on a mightly schedule across southern Africa. In other words, he's a saint!
Ute, from Germany was the most quiet and easy going of the group. God bless her! She had been working and living with a host family in Cape Town before joing the safari. She had a great attitude and was always up for anything!
Robert, also from Germany, was fresh from a work/study program in Namibia. He was as inquesitive as I was and could always be found talking to a stranger. He is a triathelete and was the most active of the group. I've never seen someone eat that much and stay so thin!
Stephanie, from Los Angeles, just came from visiting her boyfriend in Cape Town and was on a 3 month around the world tour. She is off to Asia next. Stephanie is extremely bright and fun to talk with. She lacked my vast camping experience (Girl Scouts in middle school), and was used to the creature comforts, not the creatures. We were on the same page!
We all piled into the Bundu Safari van (www.bundusafaris.com)with our trailer of camping gear and away we went...
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