I'd rather be playing with Elephants

Monday, June 14, 2010

Cuba Libre

My fascination with Cuba began as a child when I learned that I was born during the Cuban Missile Crisis. For years I've wanted to visit the island that's only 90 miles off Key West.  I'm happy to say that both the island and its people lived up to my dreams!

First of all, this trip was more difficult to plan that my journey around the globe.  Calculating (not my strong suit to start with) in four currencies with no access to credit cards to fall back on is a challenge. Unlike other countries, prices are higher if you walk up without a reservation, but you can't make a reservations with American credit cards... In the end I used a combination of working through "my man in Havana" Jorge (jorgeguide2004@gmail.com) for some reservations and figured others out on the fly.

Our 10 Day Itinerary

April 30 -- Fly to Cancun, transfer to Mexicana flight to Havana
May 1-2 -- Havana, Hotel Florida
May 3 -- Rent car and drive to Las Terrazas in Sierra del Rosario Mountains, on to Vinales National Park
May 4 -- Valley of Vinales, Hotel La Ermita
May 5 -- Drive to Cayo Levisa ferry to barrier island
May 6-7 -- Cayo Levisa Resort
May 8 -- Drive along coast to Havana, Hotel Florida
May 9 -- Fly to Cancun on Cubana airline, transfer to New York

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