I'd rather be playing with Elephants

Thursday, September 29, 2005

So Long to Siam

Today I have to leave the Kingdom of Thailand and it is hard! I love the bustling city life in Bangkok, the country lifestyle of central Thailand and of course the famous Thai beaches. It's unfortunate that I didn't get to head north to Chang Mai, but I'm running short on time and the area has suffered from headline-making floods. Many of the roads are impassable, so I will save northern Thailand for my next SE Asia adventure.

I'll close Thailand with a list of things I didn't expect to see the orange-robed monks doing:

Talking on cell phones
Bathing in the river
Using the ATM
Carrying a chicken through the street
Handwashing their robes
Buying high tech computer equipment
Standing next to the "For Monks Only" seats on water ferries
Riding three at a time on a motorbike
And of course, taming tigers!

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