I'd rather be playing with Elephants

Friday, July 08, 2005

Day 3 on Safari

The 4:30 am wake up call is just ridiculous in my opinion, but the custom of having a second breakfast (like a Hobbit) is great. We ate like mad during the whole safari. Animal spotting is hard work!

As we were leaving Kruger Park we were rewarded by a fantastic buffalo sighting. We saw a huge herd very close to the road. We had a standoff for quite a while. They don't look like our buffalo at home.

After we left Kruger Park to the north we passed some very rural areas in SA on our way to Zimbabwe. We were fascinated by tribal life. We stopped at a small town before the border crossing for Harry to get provisions, including many containers of gas, and for us to get anything we wanted to drink for the next three days. Harry warned us that goods were not available in Zimbabwe. We soon saw just how grim the situation is in Zimbabwe.

We parked at the border crossing and stepped back in time! This was a sign of things to come. There were long lines of unclean people, intimidation tactics, and bribery attempts all around. Harry was our savior and handled everyone and every obsticle with a smile and cheerful word. It was easy to see that being polite was the best way to navigate the system. For the days to come he continued to be extremely polite to every official at the dozen plus road blocks we encountered and we were never searched. A great example I will try to follow on my travels!

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