I'd rather be playing with Elephants

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Entering Egypt

There is only one word for Cairo, overwhelming! I came from the state-of-the-art airport in Dubai and stepped back in time when I got off the plane in Egypt. There is no concept of lining up--just crowds moving forward in unison. And the taxi system seems to be a yelling contest with no one judging--bascially a parking lot of idllying cars with out airconditioning or seatbelts.

I thought surly there would be a little more order when I got to the Luna Hotel. Oh no. My hotel is conveniently located on the busiest shopping street in downtown Cairo, Talaat Harb Street. The hotel is cute and the staff are very friendly, but all 22 million people who live in Cairo are on this street. This places makes NYC in December look like a small town in Iowa!

Oddly enough I do not feel afraid in the crowds just claustrophobic. There is an odd juxtaposition here. The people have no sense of order or authority. For example, men, women and children cross in the middle of busy four lane traffic at all points except the corners. They just dart out and everyone blows their horn. Many of the major intersections just have a flashing yellow light daring people to have at it! Now, picture this mayheim with most of the women wearing head scarves and everyone conservatively dressed if not in robes. They dress, and apparently think, very conservatively but they are a very daring bunch!

Oh, did I mention that all this insanity is occuring in 112 degree heat? Fun, fun, fun...

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